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South African Airways Useful Information

Airline Hub: O.R. Tambo International Airport
Headquarter: Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, South Africa
Popular Route:Accra - Washington DC
Popular Destinations:Cape Town, Harare, Johannesburg

South African Airways Flights!

Book South African Airways flights on OneTravel and save on airline tickets. South Africa's flag carrier, South African Airways (SA) is the largest domestic and international airline company. The airline has its main hub in Cape Town and Johannesburg and operates service to destinations across the globe. Buenos Aires, São Paulo, New York City, Washington, D.C., London, Frankfurt, Munich, Mumbai, Hong Kong and Perth are some top South African Airway flight destinations. The airline operates numerous domestic and regional routes as well. Grab cheap South African Airways tickets and save on airfare deals!

Fly with South African Airways and experience the ultimate luxury and comfort onboard. Well trained and friendly cabin crew is always there to assist you. Relax in the most comfortable Premium Class flat bed seats in first class. Passengers traveling in first class have access to individual PC power ports and other gadgets anytime. Watch newly released blockbuster movies, documentaries, sitcoms, and music videos. Business Class also features lie-flat seating. Enjoy wide range of wine list, varied meals and refreshments served on demand. With so many comforts and privileges, flying with South African Airways is a great experience. Book exclusive South African Airways deals on OneTravel and save!

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