Omni Shoreham Hotel
Located just a few blocks away from the National Zoo, Omni Shoreham Hotel is a luxury hotel with a rating of 4 stars. Your stay at the Omni Shoreham Hotel will allow you to have easy access to the Lincoln Memorial and the White House.
Unwind in the comfortable guestrooms that come equipped with wireless internet access, premium bedding, HD LCD TVs, coffee/tea makers, refrigerators and more to make your stay a comfortable one.
Featured amenities include a poolside bar, an outdoor pool, a 24-hour fitness center, Marquee Lounge, a business center and audiovisual equipment. If you are traveling on a business take advantage of the conference rooms, business center and the conference centers.
Highlighted amenities of the Omni Shoreham Hotel include 24 hour room service, spa services, outdoor pool with drink service and valet parking.
Additional amenities offered by this hotel include shoe shine services, currency exchange, TDD Phones, proximity to some major attractions of the city and a clock radio. Before leaving sign-up for the Select Guest Program and attain higher benefits on your next visit.