The Claremont Hotel Club and Spa
When was the last time you had a truly memorable time in a hotel? Can't remember, then book your accommodation in Claremont Hotel Club and experience luxury first hand. Another positive about staying in this hotel is its close proximity to major attractions like California Botanical Gardens and University of California.
Make yourself at home by staying in one of the luxurious guestrooms. Each room comes with amenities like attached bathroom, wireless internet, coffeemaker, safe, minibar, wardrobe and complimentary toiletries.
If you are looking for recreation, you'll get it in plenty. Some of the services offered include 3 swimming pools, spa center, tennis courts, health club, restaurant, lounge and much more.
There are plenty of options available to tantalize your taste buds too. Whether you want to enjoy delicious burgers at Bayview Cafe or taste exotic wines at Meritage, the choice is yours.