Hotel Menage Anaheim Boutique Hotel
Enjoy the perfect blend of luxury, entertainment and dining at the Hotel Menage Anaheim. This is a 244-room property which is situated in close proximity to attractions like 'Disneyland' and 'Anaheim Convention Center'. Whether you want to rejuvenate with a spa or taste delicious seafood, there is something for everyone here.
Get ready to enjoy a memorable stay at the Hotel Menage Anaheim. Some of the recreational facilities offered include spa center, health club, outdoor pool, lounge, poolside bar, complimentary Wi-Fi and more.
If you are looking for comfort you'll get it in plenty. Rooms are designed for your comfort and come with amenities like attached bathrooms, air conditioning, flat screen television sets, refrigerators and premium bedding.
Hotel Menage Anaheim offers facilities like 24 hour business center, several meeting rooms and complimentary Wi-Fi for the corporate travelers.
American Tavern Eatery, Menage Lounge and Palapa Bar are the different dining choices offered at the hotel. So prepare your taste buds for an amazing experience.