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Search Airline Tickets to Ekaterinburg, RussiaTop Attractions in EkaterinburgQWERTY Monument is undeniably one of the unique attractions in Ekaterinburg. It is a gargantuan keyboard monument in the city and resembles the keyboard with words like Q and Shift engraved on it.The Ural State University is another landmark in the city and draws tourists in droves. It is a charming old building which has captivating walkways approaching the Square of 1905.The Opera and Ballet Theatres are situated in the inner city and around the Square of 1905. Enjoy an enthralling performance in any of the theatres in the area and enjoy the outing.Limpopo is widely popular among tourists visiting Ekaterinburg. The largest water park in Europe, this is a must-visit family attraction in the city. Let the kids have all the fun in front of your watchful eyes.
Facts About Flying to Ekaterinburg, Russia§The percentage of Ekaterinburg travelers over the age of 35 was 70%.The percentage of Ekaterinburg travelers over the age of 60 was 40%.The percentage of Ekaterinburg travelers who were millennials was 30%.The percentage of Ekaterinburg travelers who were female was 70%.Average number of days spent by travelers in Ekaterinburg was 9.Month with most bookings for Ekaterinburg was September.Month with least bookings for Ekaterinburg was April.§ All flight facts are based on last 3 months data on OneTravel.
Popular Airports Near EkaterinburgFlights to Domodedovo International AirportFlights to Kazan International AirportFlights to Kurumoch International AirportFlights to Omsk AirportFlights to Pulkovo AirportFlights to Saratov Tsentralny AirportFlights to Sheremetyevo International AirportFlights to Sochi International AirportFlights to Vladivostok International AirportFlights to Vnukovo International Airport
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Popular Destinations Nearby EkaterinburgFlights to MoscowFlights to St PetersburgFlights to Adler-SochiFlights to MakhachkalaFlights to NovosibirskFlights to Perm
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