The Sugar Bay Resort & Spa is an all-inclusive beachfront resort in St. Thomas. Staying at this amazing hotel will offer you to have easy access to the Coki Beach, Coral World Ocean Park and the Blackbeard’s Castle.
Make yourself at home in one of the air conditioned guestrooms. Keep connected with High-speed Internet access and stay entertained with cable programming which is available in all the guestrooms. Ensuite bathrooms have designer toiletries, marble flooring and spa amenities. Additional conveniences include complimentary furnished balconies, room services and enchanting views of the ocean.
Enjoy a meal at the Ocean Club or savor delicious Caribbean Cuisine at Pimentos. Each guest is offered with complimentary snorkeling gear and windsurfers while the young ones can enjoy at the Children's Club.
Featured recreational amenities of this property include on-site aerobics, volleyball, tennis, sailing, snorkeling, scuba and rowing.
A hot tub, 3 outdoor swimming pools, a mini golf, fitness center and a spa and beach cabanas are the other major highlights of Sugar Bay Resort & Spa.