Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina is situated close to the Balboa Park, USS Midway Museum and the Maritime Museum. Blessed with a beautiful location, this San Diego Hotel offers nautical-themed rooms, excellent wedding arrangements and exotic sights of the Bay from the guestrooms.
After a long and tiring day, unwind at the fully furnished guestrooms offered by the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina. The guestrooms come equipped with LCD TV's, coffee/tea makers, wireless internet connectivity and a lot more to make your stay better.
Featured amenities offered by this property include a 24-hour business center, 3 outdoor pools, a full service spa, on-site tennis courts, sailboat rentals and a lot more to serve you better.
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina offers a room that suits every event. From wedding to conferences to small scale events, this hotel has a place to cater all your needs. For a huge level, star-studded event, this hotel offers a 20,000 square foot pavilion that can easily accommodate 2,000 people.
Additional services offered by the property include complimentary shuttle service, swimming pools, tennis courts, restaurants, four dance halls, and parking for a surcharge.