It's got world class spa, golf courses and award winning restaurants, welcome to the Buena Vista Palace Hotel & Spa. Since the resort is located near to the major theme parks like Universal Studios and Sea World, it’s a favorite among friends and families alike. Make sure you book your accommodation in advance to avoid any last minute hassles.
Make yourself at home by staying in one of the luxurious guestrooms. Each room is equipped with amenities like air conditioning, wireless internet, refrigerator, attached bathroom, comfortable bed, coffeemaker, flat screen television set, wardrobe, telephone and complimentary toiletries.
Some of the other facilities offered include 7 restaurants, 3 pools, golf courses, spa center, health club, children's area, coffee shop, tennis court and much more.
Whether you want to tantalize your taste buds with delicious appetizers at 'Kook Sports Bar' or taste freshly brewed coffee at 'Watercress Café', the choice is yours.