Millennium Broadway Hotel Times Square
Get access to the major attractions, stay in ultra luxurious rooms and enjoy wonderful food, all at the Millennium Broadway Hotel. Apart from its irresistible comfort quotient, its location is its other main highlight. The hotel is located in close proximity to Times Square and Broadway, so get ready for some real fun.
Make yourself at home by staying in one of the luxurious guestrooms. Millennium Broadway Hotel has close to 700 rooms that offer amenities like attached bathrooms, wireless internet, air conditioning, flat screen television sets, safes and leather chairs.
Millennium Broadway Hotel is particularly famous for its theater that hosts everything from comedy shows, theatre productions to major events. So have a great time with your friends.
Some of the other facilities offered include 24 hour fitness center, lounge, coffee shop, tour assistance, parking and much more.
Don't forget to tantalize your taste buds with delicious crab meat and lamb at the Charlotte Restaurant.