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Air Vanuatu Useful Information

Airline Hub: Bauerfield International Airport
Call Sign: AIR VAN
Headquarter: Air Vanuatu House Port Vila, Vanuatu
Popular Route:Port Vila - Espiritu Santo
Popular Destinations:Espiritu Santo, Port Vila

Air Vanuatu Flights!

Air Vanuatu (NF) is the national flag carrier of Vanuatu. Based in Port Vila, Vanuatu, Air Vanuatu operates scheduled domestic and international flights in the South Pacific. Book Air Vanuatu flights and fly to top destinations including Paama, Longana, Luganville, Futuna Island, Port Vila, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Noumea, and Auckland.
Enjoy superior onboard and ground service while flying with Air Vanuatu. Flying in Air Vanuatu business class? You will be showered with a world of comfort and luxuries including extra-wide seats with more leg room, personal entertainment system where you can watch movies and listen to your favorite music. A menu full of mouthwatering dishes and light snacks and variety of soft drinks, fruit juices, beer, wine and spirits. Save on airline tickets while booking Air Vanuatu on OneTravel. Air Vanuatu economy class travelers are also provided with comfortable seating, excellent dining options, onboard entertainment, duty free shopping and more. Whether you are flying for business or leisure, save on airline tickets with amazing Air Vanuatu deals on OneTravel.
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